Many motor vehicle purchasers think it is easy and still cost-effective to accept the finance offered by the dealer, but a little extra work can save a lot of extra dollars. Bang On Investments Director, Bang Duong, worked with Dr Paul Hill* to save him time and money by finding competitive motor vehicle finance that had him back on the road in no time!
Getting finance for a motor vehicle purchase can seem straight-forward, but to find the best deal, you need to shop around... and who has time for that? The simple answer is, we do! At Bang On Investments, we work with medical professionals who are busy, time-poor and who want to spend the little downtime they have with family, friends or on activities they enjoy... not trawling through websites to find the best loan!
Dr Paul Hill* is one of those busy doctors -- he doesn't have a lot of spare time, but in the little time he does have, he managed to find a new car he wanted to purchase... all he needed was the finance.
Like many people, Paul's first stop was at the car dealership itself, where he was provided a quote on a motor vehicle lease. The problem was, when he saw the details of the lease, he wasn't sure if he was getting a good deal or if there were better options available, as he had nothing to compare it with.
On referral from a previous happy client, Paul reached out to Bang Duong at Bang On Investments for help with his motor vehicle finance, so he could be confident and comfortable that the finance option he chose was the best option available.
With many years' expertise and experience in loans, Bang immediately identified Paul could achieve a better result, with just a little work -- all of which would be taken care of by Bang and his team. Paul would see the great results without ever needing to spend more of his valuable time chasing various finance options.
Bang checked with a number of leasing companies within his network to gather more information and design a solution that Paul would offer Paul great financial benefit.
Paul was very happy to see that, with a little work -- by Bang -- and no real time investment on his part, he could now secure motor vehicle finance with low interest rates. Bang delivered a far more competitive quote than the original dealer and Paul was on the road back to the hospital in no time!
"May people, by default, just stick with the finance provided by the dealer from which they are purchasing their vehicle. And while sometimes dealers offer great rates, a lot of the time, if you know where to look and who to ask, you can secure a much more competitive option for vehicle finance."
* Names changed for privacy.
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